Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Run from Running!

Before I get into my hatred of running and believe me I'll get there, let me just take a minute to respond to this swim cap note. There are many benefits to a swim hair does not get caught in my goggle straps, I swim faster, and some people actually believe I know what I'm doing. I will continue to rock the swim cap but good luck getting a pic of it before the race, you may have better luck capturing Big Foot!!

Back to my original point...I HATE running!! Uh, it is terrible and by terrible I mean the worst thing ever. I thought it would be something that would get better and I would start to enjoy but not so much. If you're a runner, I don't understand...why do you torture yourself??

On Saturday I had to go running before our party and needless to say I chose the wrong path near our house and was forced to attempt running up the largest hill I have ever seen...not a good decision. Aboout half way up, I thought I was going to fall over and my throat hurt so bad from breathing/gasping for air out of my mouth. I think I might be missing something here. Either way, it was a super struggle to finish the run and I definately didn't run for the whole 20 mins. Who put this training schedule together that goes from 10 min intervals to 20 straight minutes...crazy talk! All that being said, it's still part of the race so I will continue to keep on my little schedule but it makes me feel better to let our three whole readers know that I hate it.

Hope you are all enjoying the Olympics and if you're not, you should!!


Anonymous said...

I am gonna have to try and send an undercover to get a swim cap pic. I also agree with your assessment with running. I believe I would rather play russian roulette with a fully loaded gun than run.

Caryn said...

but, you are doing such an awesome job!!! think about where we started from on our first week...

Lindsey said...

you have a blog and didnt even tell your mom? you should be ashamed! i am proud of you my tri baby ;)

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. Too bad you hate to run. I know what you mean. But, see, the funny ironic part about that is, YOU'RE DOING A TRIATHALON. Which of course requires significant running. Or at least jogging. But, I guess just make up for it with the swimming. You do like swimming, don't you? And what's that third part, the biking? That's fun, especially the downhill part. Well, that's it from me. Best of luck to you and the other TriBabies. Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

You guys ROCK! I am so proud of you but what would really add to the blog is the swin cap picture!
You go girls!
David (Caryn's dad)

Anonymous said...

You three are all inspiring--just think of the sense of accomplishment you will feel in October! I can't wait to cheer you on then! If all else fails, I might be able to post an old photo of Caryn (maybe at age 8) from the Mayfair Marlins in her speedo and swim cap!!!

Caryn said...

mom - if you can actually find a picture of me from swim team back in the day, i give you permission to post it. but i don't think you'll find one!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think what you girls need is a special song to sing in your head when you are running...that way you have the song "stuck" and you hate the song instead of the run. I would suggest "My Sherona" it is completely annoying and once you get it stuck in your head it just won't go away.

Caryn said...

dear anonymous,
who are're a genius - don't hide it.

Caryn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Breathe! No matter if it's in the water, underwater, running or holding your mouth open on the bike to allow more airflow...breathe!