Tuesday, August 19, 2008

biiiiiiiiiiiicycle biiiiiiiiiiiiiiicycle BIIIIIIIICYCLE (sing to the tune of Queen's song :) )

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!

So, this weekend I believe we are going to attempt to ride our bikes :) Although I'm a little nervous about this (I don't know if I have ever ridden on an actual road bike with the narrow road tires) I am SUPER PUMPED! I wanted to see - do any of you readers out there know of any good places for us to ride? It's a dangerous world out there, and being the beginners that we are, we don't think we're ready to brave the streets of Atlanta. I know there's the Greenway, up in the burbs, but does anyone know of a similar place in town?

Now all I need is a basket, some ribbons to put on my handle bars, and a bell, and I'll be on my way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To answer your question in a way you don't want it answered, consider the Silver Comet Trail. It's OTP, but at least it's close OTP, in Smyrna. It's certainly safer than riding up and down Peachtree. And except for a 5-mile stretch, you can ride it all the way to Alabama. Or, more realistically for your first real ride, you can take it most of the way out of Cobb County.

Through the PATH Foundation's website, you can learn about a few Atlanta/DeKalb trails too.