Monday, August 11, 2008

And we thought the goggles were bad!

Yesterday afternoon at our bi-weekly trip to the pool we had a new addition to the mix: the swim cap. It's a small change in wardrobe (Crystal got it as a "gift" from someone else), and though it wasn't Olympics inspired, it defintiely made her look like she was getting down to business. Now, I won't post a picture of it, but it totally deserves an honorable mention. It gave us both a good laugh when I was showing her how to put it on, and the thing snapped on my head. And then she put it on, and it snapped on hers. Good times.

On the topic of Olympic swimwear, apparently the new LZR speedo is all the rage, and in fact has spawned some real legal rage between swimsuit companies TYR and Speedo. Check it out - it's an amusing story worth the read: Perhaps I need to invest the whopping $550 for one of those bad boys, and maybe even splurge on swim cap.

We also met a friend at the pool. He's probably about our age, maybe a little older, and he's wanting to be a lifeguard. I don't think he's really swam much in his life, but I think we gave him some words of encouragement and told him about our progress. So, guy from the pool, best of luck with everything and maybe we'll see you there again!

One last thing - did everyone see the men's 4x100 freestyle relay when the U.S. men's relay team broke the world record when Lezak came through in the end to beat out the French team who was spitting some mean game in an interview beforehand?? WOW. I must say, I have always loved the olympics but I have noticed that I am into the swimming now more than ever. And just to put it into persepective, we timed ourselves yesterday and completed 200 meters (that's 8 lengths of a standard swimming pool, 4 lengths of an olympic sized pool) in about 4 minutes 15 seconds. These olympic swimmers swim the 200 meter freestyle in under 1 min 50 seconds! Looks like we have a little work to do...

Swimmers, take your mark...GO!


Anonymous said...

don't forget about the girl who started swimming after she had her baby and is now in the olympics...i think you two can do it! baby steps :)

Anonymous said...

The French had it coming!!!

Tina said...

Did anyone else notice that Michael Phelps was about to show his junk on national television? Frightening..and a little enticing? Ha.

marissa! said...

caryn and crystal--
i must say this picture of you two is quite adorable!