Friday, September 12, 2008

Brick Chicks!

This week was the beginning of something new...bricks (combining two events in one). It was quiet the challenge but I think we held up to the task pretty well. Our first attempt was Monday when we went to our favorite spinning class, with our instructor Jeremy. Just a little background on this class, it's crazy hard and starts at 6:45pm. If you aren't there to get your name on the list by 6:15 - no dice on getting in. This particular day Jeremy decided to try and kill us all, which he almost accomplished. But, we made it through and then it was time to transitition to the running. We headed for the treadmills, definately not the same as outside, but still a worthy task. We ran for a little over a mile and were pretty proud of ourselves. I know, a mile, big deal but it was our first "brick"...back off!

The next day was just running since we had been so diligent the day before. We decided to try a new route in the Highlands and see how we did. Needless to say we did AWESOME!! I don't want to toot my own horn here but we ran the whole distance, a little over 2.6 miles, without stopping. The iPod is definately God's gift to the non-runner...thanks Snoop Dog for some running jams! We were so excited b/c this is by far the farthest we have ever run. I don't want to get too excited but it wasn't completely miserable this time. Here are some shots of how adorable (NOT!) we look after running.


Fist Pump!!

This weekend we are going to take on the Silver Comet so we'll see how that goes. We also want to give a big Good Luck to Katie D. who is doing a tri this weekend in Nashville, it's an Olympic distance so she is hard core!! Good Luck Katie D.!!!


Anonymous said...

Why are the Christmas lights still up lol

Anonymous said...

Wow! Although reading this a few days after you posted means you can conquer running! Way to go!!!!
