Monday, July 14, 2008

Goggles are for the cool kids

This is my first blog post ever. So thanks to Crystal for setting this up and getting us started. I think it's a great way to keep our friends and families up to speed on our activities leading up to the big day!
So first of all, I'm sucking it up and posting this STELLAR, yet embarrassing picture of us for the world to see. But we told you we'd keep you posted, so I feel it just wouldn't be the same without it. Day two of swimming shaped up to be much more of a success than day 1. We finally

managed to get the hang of things, with only a few more goggle issues. Despite the foggy goggles, and Crystal's "defective because they are leaking" goggles, we managed to do do the whole length of the swimming portion of the triathlon...all 24 laps (1/3 mile). With a few breaks in between, of course. And by a few, I mean a lot! :) Turns out, that swimming is actually a lot of fun! Even though I was on my neighborhood's swim team for a number of years when I was younger, I had forgotten what a good workout it was. What made me realize it was when I was driving home from the LA Fitness pool yesterday and had to call Crystal because I was swerving all over the highway because my arms felt like Jell-o. Let's just say I will have a greater appreciation for the swimmers in the Olympics this time around. And so the training continues...


Anonymous said...

I love that you guys are doing this. Congrats and good luck and you'll do great! But just wanted to suggest you get some fins for Crystal; I hear sausage fingers are hard to maneuver through the water.

Rob Gregory said...

Those goggles are hot! I'm gonna have to pick me up some of those bad boys