Tuesday, September 2, 2008

running is for people who are being chased.

One would think by now that we would be pro runners, that side cramps wouldn't happen anymore, that we could chit chat while we were running, and that 30 minutes would go by without phasing us. Key words - "one would think". Unfortunately that's just not happening for us. Sunday and Wednesday come around and we LOOK FORWARD to swimming. Monday (and now Saturdays) come around and we LOOK FORWARD to spin class/riding our bicycles. The rest of the days come around and we dread the running part. This has GOT to change. Not to sound like a Negative Nancy or anything, but there has got to be a way that running will come easier to us. Today's run did not go so well. Although I will say, I had a great run yesterday, so that makes me feel a tad better. But I was on a treadmill yesterday. I am fine running on a treadmill. It's when it comes to running outside that we're both having issues. I am still trying to stay positive because I so want to be one of those people who can just run a few miles without thinking about how long I've been running for. I keep meaning to try the "My Sharona" method (if you don't get it - reference a comment made on a previous blog post) but I suppose I need to learn more of the song than just "muh-muh-muh-myyyyyyy sharona" for that to work. Anyway, we'll keep on keepin' on and maybe one day it will happen!


Anonymous said...

ok, another suggestion! Do at least one weekend run at the river trail...you know the one off 285 and northside parkway? It is a GREAT place to 1. get motivated and 2. get distracted
Especially on weekend mornings! Lots of people, dogs, runners, walkers. Sometimes you can even see army guys and track teams out there! The soft trail is 3 miles of fairly flat and you can run from one entrance to the other and then turn around and stay on the river side the whole time! :o)
hang in there!! it's gonna get easier!

Anonymous said...

Crystal! It saddens me that the running isn't getting easier :( I would definitely suggest running somehwere, like the river trail (posted above). It should help distract you from the actual run! haha. And I would definitley try and run outside as much as possible- it will make the race run that much easier. Treadmill running and running outside are so different. The first time you get that runner's high you will love it! I promise! Ya'll are doing great- I love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Another thing a friend and I do to keep our minds occupied while running is the alphabet game.... pick a category and then alternate naming things in that category that begin with that letter. a - accountant, b - biologist, c - carpenter, etc... It helps keep the mind occupied without too much talking and before you know it you are done. Good luck!