Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A word to our readers - are you out there?

Here ye, here ye...
So clearly to keep people interested, we need to be posting more often. As a wise media expert once said in a digital 201 meting that in order to have a successful blog, you need to devote enough time and update it frequently so that the information stays fresh and readers always have something new to look at. So, to the few readers we have out there - we are sorry for our lack of attentiveness to this site. But we promise, we will get better! We promised we'd keep you updated, and by golly we will do that. But readers, if you're out there, let us know! Feel free to post comments - whether they're words of encouragement, or making fun of how stupid we look in our goggles - let us know we're talking to someone :)


Anonymous said...

you guys are too cute. I'm enjoying seeing the progress that you're making and can't wait until that first weekend in October to come cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome that you guys are doing this and I can't wait to see how you progress over the next couple of months!